
ERC 2021 Convening Civil Society Statement

09 July 2021

We, the undersigned civil society organizations participating in the Equal Rights Coalition, present this Statement on the occasion of the ERC Meeting held July 6-7, 2021.

The meeting is taking place in a challenging time for LGTBI+ people, affected by COVID-19 and its consequences, as well as by the aggravation of political situations in several countries, the persistence of stigma, discrimination, and violence, and the impact of climate change.

We celebrate the new ERC Strategy and express our support of its Five-Year Implementation Plan. They have the potential to provide a shared framework for Member States and multilateral institutions, in collaboration with each other and with stakeholders in civil society and other sectors, to progress human rights and inclusive development for LGBTI+ people globally. At the same time, we consider it necessary to highlight those issues that persistently challenge the ERC’s role and the achievement of its aims.

Category Declaration, English, 2021

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