Who we are

Governing Bodies

The governance of the Equal Rights Coalition is run through three key bodies, covering Member States, civil society organisations, and multilaterals.

Executive Committee

The Executive Committee comprises the State Co-Chairs, Civil Society Co-Chairs, State Co-Chairs of the Thematic Groups, and UNAIDS and the World Bank. 

They meet regularly to agree on key decisions and progress the work of the ERC. This body is vital to provide overall governance and oversight of the ERC mechanism, to set priorities for the Coalition, and to agree on internal procedures and processes.

Coordinating Committee

The Coordinating Committee comprises all 43 Member States, plus the Civil Society Co-Chairs and the Civil Society Thematic Group Co-Chairs.

They meet regularly to agree the overall direction of the Coalition, and coordinate upcoming ERC activities.

Civil Society Core Group

Governance of civil society is led by the Civil Society Core Group, chaired by the Civil Society Co-Chairs, and attended by civil society members who take active roles in the ERC.

The criteria for membership, as listed in the Terms of Reference, are involvement in at least one Thematic Group and experience working at the international/regional level OR with their national government on advancing human rights. The Core Group should also reflect diversity across geographic regions and identity groups. Terms are two years, in parallel to the overall co-chairship. Selection occurs by CSOs indicating their interest to the Co-Chairs.

The Core Group meets monthly to coordinate civil society activities, set priorities for civil society, run decision-making processes, and agree on internal procedures.

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Banning So-Called ‘Conversion Therapies’

09 April 2024


Eliminating Harmful Practices against and Promoting Human Rights Protection of Intersex People

29 September 2023


Using CEDAW to pursue the decriminalisation of LBTQ people: promising avenues and developments

12 June 2023


Buenos Aires 2022 Conference Report

30 November 2022


ERC Pre-Conference Report 2022

08 September 2022

Research Briefing

Anti-Gender Movement Background Paper

08 September 2022


Statement on the Legalization of Same-Sex Marriage in Thailand by the Co-chairs on behalf of the Equal Rights Coalition

10 July 2024


International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia 2024: Declaration by the Co-chairs on behalf of the Equal Rights Coalition

14 May 2024


Equal Rights Coalition launches its Secretariat, hosted by ILGA World

08 May 2024


ERC statement on the legalization of Same-Sex Marriage and Homoparental Adoption in Greece

26 February 2024


Statement by the Equal Rights Coalition on the Russian Supreme Court judgment infringing LGBTIQ+ people’s basic human rights 

18 December 2023


ERC statement on the decriminalization of same-sex activity between men in Mauritius

17 October 2023