SDGs & 2030 Agenda

The Sustainable Development Goals represent an important mechanism through which States and other stakeholders work to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all.


The goals are intended to be achieved by 2030, and proactive work to move the goals forward is vital.

The ERC Founding Principles include a commitment to strengthening cooperation in, coordination of, and communication about [the] efforts to advance the human rights of, and support inclusive development for, all persons, regardless of sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, and sex characteristics. This should include focusing on LGBTI human rights through engagement with the SDGs.

The main priority of the SDGs Thematic Group is to investigate how the Global Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development can be used to benefit LGBTI communities across the globe, and ensure that no one is left behind. The group looks to analyze the SDGs in their entirety to determine the ways in which they are each applicable to LGBTI issues, and indicate priority targets. Through this, the group encourages States to conduct LGBTI inclusive SDG reviews of progress at the national level, which can serve as a basis for inclusive contributions to the High-Level Political Forum.

The SDGs group looks to ensure LGBTI persons are included in the SDGs and related activities, and move the goals forwards, by:

  • Engagement with Voluntary National Reviews (VNRs) – reaching out to Member and non-Member States to support with reporting, and ensuring they use this process to bring attention to issues specific to LGBTI persons in their national contexts.
  • Engagement at the High Level Political Forum (HLPF) – ensuring that LGBTI issues are included in formal statements, VNR presentations, side-events, and briefings.
  • Analysis of SDGs and how they are applicable to LGBTI communities.
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Banning So-Called ‘Conversion Therapies’

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Statement by the Equal Rights Coalition on the Russian Supreme Court judgment infringing LGBTIQ+ people’s basic human rights 

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ERC statement on the decriminalization of same-sex activity between men in Mauritius

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