How We Work

Buenos Aires 2022

The Equal Rights Coalition conference was held on 8-9 September 2022, in Buenos Aires, Argentina and online. The conference served to highlight what had been done over the 3-year mandate of Argentina and the UK, focus on the execution of the ERC Strategy and Implementation Plan and the delivery of the ERC’s strategic priorities and operations, discuss cross-cutting issues related to LGBTI rights, and pass the baton to the incoming co-chairs (Mexico and Germany).


The 2022 ERC conference was attended by representatives from Member States, civil society organisations, and multilaterals – both in person in Buenos Aires, and online. Across the two days, sessions were held on cross-cutting issues (such as addressing the anti-gender movement, and integrating LGBTI work across government), the operations of the ERC and how to take the mechanism forwards, and the four Thematic Groups. There was also a conversation with Victor Madrigal, the UN Independent Expert on SOGI, and pledges from Member States to advance the ERC goals.

The conference concluded with Argentina and the UK passing the ERC leadership on to the incoming co-chairs of Germany and Mexico.

Documents distributed in advance of the conference included the pre-conference report and the anti-gender movement background paper. A post-conference report will be shared in due course.

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ERC Pre-Conference Report 2022

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Anti-Gender Movement Background Paper

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